Wisdom from the path: Transparency : Awakening
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Wisdom from the path: Transparency

by Merry Coburn on 08/01/10

Yoga is the practice of attunement, an opportunity to encounter one's true self-- perhaps for the very first time. This can be a startling experience, oftentimes delightful and filled with wonder.  Anyone can choose to make this journey. All that's required is a willingness to begin. I hope that reading this journal will encourage you to begin your own practice of introspection. Whether you choose to practice yoga asanas, walk quietly in nature, record reflections in a journal, or sit at the side of a dying person...you have chosen to begin. You have joined your body, mind, and heart with the intention to meet your true self.

This blog reflects my desire to share with others the character of my personal journey. The experience, the musings, and the "ah-ha" monents arise from my spiritual practice. Although such gifts of wisdom are deeply cherished, these treasures are not mine to keep. They surface from a deep source of knowing that belongs to all of us. 

I offer you my journal of expanding consciousness, of waking up. May these entries resonate with some deep and cherished part of you and perhaps become encouragement to begin a journey of awakening of your own. A hallmark of that spiritual path is a growing state of transparency, of being who you are more completely, through and through. Let's agree to meet in that place. Till next time...


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